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Build your potential with an innovative learning and gamification stack.

Elevate careers within your organization using PrachtED's next-level platform

Ensure your skills keep you  ahead in today's fast-paced professional landscape.

​At PrachtED, we redefine the future of career development by seamlessly integrating your evolving development plan, cutting-edge machine learning and gaming technology. 

Our platform will offer a holistic solution for employee or individual career assessment, onboarding, re/training, and upskilling. 

Our shared vision

To transform and disrupt the industry of personal and professional skills assessments, job training, re-training and upskilling, via emerging and developing machine learning and gaming technology.  We believe in the power of collaboration and interdisciplinary expertise. Our diverse team combines technical innovation, psychological insight, educational excellence, HR acumen, and financial prudence to create a platform that will empower individuals and organizations on their journey to success. As the world moves to a sustainable circular economy, many of the traditional 'heavy' industries (e.g. factory manufacturing, etc.) once responsible for employing a large percentage of the able bodied workforce will become obsolete. Join us as we redefine the future of career development through the fusion of technology and human expertise.

Learning with PrachtED is not just educational... it's an adventure!

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